Inspection card from U.S. Public Health Services front: left corner purple stamp date May 26 1934 passed at Hong Kong along with vaccination inspection and date back: chinese symbols and picture (black and white) of passenger two blue ink slash marks…
A: dental x-ray to Mr. Eng date 1-7-32 lower right tooth x-ray from Dr. Bourassa B: envelope Dr. Ray in front of address left top Dr. Edward A. Bourasa Dental Radiography 908 Medical-Dental Building Seattle right corner: someones name middle is a…
Ration Book Holder and two sets of letters (A-C) A: Book Holder brown color calender for 1943 on back with adverstisement for buying U.S. war bonds B: 17 unlined paper with chinese writing all in pencil C: 8 blue lined notebook paper with chinese…
notebook ShoreLawn Linen finish front cover: upper half blue and white lake with sailboat scenery and silver and aqua border lower half: four blue blocks of blue and white "writing tablet" in the middle Inside: wide ruled blue lined paper back…
envelope and letter (A-B) A: envelope (white) top left corner chinese writing then Gom Hong Co. 709 King St. Seattle back: two seal stain marks B: letter very fine and thin paper two holes at top blue border with blue vertical lines chinese writing…
envelope and letter (A-B) A: envelope front: along all edges red and blue squares three stamps: 1. red with great wall scenery and plane #500 man with moustache 50.00 3.purple man 30.00 address to Jon Hong Co. in blue ink also on left three…