DASTAAR: DEFENDING SIKH IDENTITY presents the struggle of the Sikh American community against discrimination and violence caused by ignorance of an essential symbol of the Sikh faith -- the dastaar , or turban. The documentary begins by observing the…
DVD film The Story of Spirits by Tien Nguyen Vietnamese American film maker tells story of her family's exodus from Vietnanam in 1975. Funding by Women Make Movies.
Ten individual embossed photographs each on a rectangular piece of stiff orange-yellow paper board measuring 3 1/4 x 4." Each board has a flat border with the name and address of the "News Publishing Co. 2312 3rd Ave. Seattle" embossed in the paper.…
Frye Co. office list property of Mr. Frank Woo written on front page is "Do not steal this little copy my lad for if you do I'll tell my dad and he will catch you by tail and land you in Seattle's jail" List of names with adresses and phone numbers…