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Velox developing paper envelope. Manufactured by Eastman Kodak Co.


A-E five Chinese Envelopes F- K western style envelopes A: From Li Rujiao . Port Gamble to Li Mengren B: From: Li Ruzhe Wing Cheong Kut Hong Kong to Li Rujiao C: From: Xinning to Li Rujiao Gom Hong Co. D: To: Li Yao E: To: Li Rujiao From: Ruliang.…


Letter to Li Rujiao from Shizhen (Eng) at Gom Hong Co. 22nd of the ninth month the year of Xinhai (1911). Shizhen had received the fifty dollars Rujiao sent to him through uncle Yuheng.


Unused Chinese envelopes white with red band down the center.

Card, business

One business card printed in blue with drawing of a young woman on the front. "Pacific Dry Goods & Co. (Telephone Elliot 3991J) 1335 Third Ave. Seattle Wash. Manufacturers of Fine Ladies' Muslins Underware Waists Kimonos Dresses fancy Silk Garments…


A printed receipt with a blue stamp of the date and hand written name and amount. From Port Gamble Aug. 31 1911 stating that "The balance of your credit is $26.00..."


A First National Bank of Seattle Check made payable to Lee Gee Jack for the sum of $20.16. in Hong Kong currency. It is a duplicate check.


A store receipt to Mr. Li Yao from Gom Hong Co. Written in Chinese with a store stamp and two decorative stamps. Issued to Li Yao from Gom Hong Co. in Seattle on the 19th of the 12th month in 1911 the year of Xinhai.


An invoice on a portion of writing paper to Mr. Li Yao from the Drunk Moon Tower (Zuiyuelou) in Seattle dated the 25th of the last month of the year Geng for $21.00


One long letter on Chinese writing paper. For Shihuo My Uncle to Examine We used to share our happiness in the same village. Now on the edge of the earth at the end of heaven we toil for fame and profit. We can only lament: What else can I do? What…