air mail adressed to Hong Chong ave. so. Seattle Washington Chinese writing on let side writing all with blue ink two stamps one has a 2 denomination blue and red angular border
1932 beige adressed to Bow Lung Heo 515 8th ave So. Seattle Wa came from San fransisco says "Register or Insure-valuable Material" has a id u.s. postage stamp with Pres. Warren Harding's face chinese writing with bursh and ink on left side.
White envelope 9.5" x 4" with printed letterhead return address: "China War Relief Ass'n of America Spokane Branch N. 7 1/2 Wall St. Spokane WASH. Envelope is dirty and back had come unglued.
An envelope with printed symbol of the Republic of China. From Kam Yen of Port Gamble Wash. to Mr. Li Rujiao at Gom Hong Co. (#709 King St Seattle Wash.)
A-E five Chinese Envelopes F- K western style envelopes A: From Li Rujiao . Port Gamble to Li Mengren B: From: Li Ruzhe Wing Cheong Kut Hong Kong to Li Rujiao C: From: Xinning to Li Rujiao Gom Hong Co. D: To: Li Yao E: To: Li Rujiao From: Ruliang.…