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1999.60.617 This letter looks like half of a letter. The front part of the letter seems like missing.Based on the way the letter was signed at the end this letter was written by a son to his father. Translation of the letter: Here now the bandits are…


1999.060.627 This note is written on a red lined paper The large characters on top of the stationary said: special stationary of Yu Ji Tea Shop The smaller characters at the bottom of the stationary said: The tea shop is located at Guang Dong He Nan…


a-b: Envelope with writing saying U.S. Dept. of Labor Immigration Service Certificate of Identity Name (Ng Len Chung written in) + No. 31399 (written in) + sleeve with a red band running down the middle + writing in Chinese. c-f: Photo of a Chinese…


a-b: Letters (2) to Mr. Wing Bow in Seattle from Mary Osasa and her brother Tommy Osasa in Port Angeles WA. Mr. Bow was being thanked for favors he had done for them. They were Japanese and he was Chinese.


Letter to Mr. Wing from Bob Takebayashi living at the Milwaukee Hotel asking for money. Letter dated Oct. 16 1929.


a-b: Letter and envelope addressed to Mr. Ah Wing of Port Townsend WA from the Office of U.S. Marshal telling him that he is being paid $3.20 for witness fees. Letter dated June 11917. Folded in thirds.

Print, Photographic

a-f: Photo of a Chinese immigrant man wearing traditional Chinese working clothes with white collar slightly exposed. Photographed from the waist up. Possibly a passport picture.

Card, Business

Business card for Chung May Co. of Canton China. English (and Chinese) written on white side and Chinese only on red side.

Check, Bank

Check on Wah Young account for $100 in Hong Kong currency made payable to Chung May Co. dated Sept. 22 1925 check no. 24 drawn on The Bank of Canton signed by Eng Monsilk

Check, Bank

Check on Wah Young account for $100 in Hong Kong currency made payable to Chung May Co. dated Oct. 15 1926 check no. 1904 drawn on The Bank of Canton signed by Eng Monsilk.