Chinese Horoscope A handmade booklet with white paper and string binding. The text predicts the life of a man's life. The man was born in 1877 (the year of Dingmao) He was 55 years old when the horoscope was produced.
Two Chinese Horoscopes A: A handmade booklet with white paper and string binding. The text predicts the life of a man. The man was born in 1897 (the year of Dingyou) He was 24 years old when the horoscope was produced. B: Also a Horoscope but for a…
Letter to Gom Hong from Fan Yick Co. in Cuba. A: Envelope to Gom Hong Co. 709 King Street Seattle Wash. USA. From: "Fan Yick Co. Ciego deAvila Cuba." B: letter: To: Shanglian Wu (Eng) from his father in law. "Shanglian's Father in law said he…
Letter to Yutang Wu (Eng) A: Western Style envelope to: Goey Cong Yeck 413 Trent Alley Spokane Washington USA. From: Jam Ka Kon Sol Dragones No. 70 (Bajos) Habana Cuba B: Letter: August 1928 To: YuTang Wu (Eng) "Yutang my nephew I am now living on…
Invoice to Gom Hong from Kobe Japan From: Xinhehe Zhengji in Kobe Japan Items will be shipped by the "President McKinley" Items include: Chinese ink Kaiming Brand 4 boxes. meduim size River Scallops Canned Abalone 6 boxes canned shrimp 4 boxes.
Invoice to the Gom Hong from Kobe Japan From Xinhehe Zhengji in Kobe Japan Items will be shipped by the SS African Maru Items included: Bean sauce 30 buckets one hundred and two dollars. Invoice has amounts for various expenses.