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Ration Book Holder and two sets of letters (A-C) A: Book Holder brown color calender for 1943 on back with adverstisement for buying U.S. war bonds B: 17 unlined paper with chinese writing all in pencil C: 8 blue lined notebook paper with chinese…


notebook ShoreLawn Linen finish front cover: upper half blue and white lake with sailboat scenery and silver and aqua border lower half: four blue blocks of blue and white "writing tablet" in the middle Inside: wide ruled blue lined paper back…


envelope and letter (A-B) A: envelope (white) top left corner chinese writing then Gom Hong Co. 709 King St. Seattle back: two seal stain marks B: letter very fine and thin paper two holes at top blue border with blue vertical lines chinese writing…


packet of 20 envelopes (white) with paper band grouping them on edge of band in pencil 15 cents written


envelope and letter (A-B) A: envelope front: along all edges red and blue squares three stamps: 1. red with great wall scenery and plane #500 man with moustache 50.00 3.purple man 30.00 address to Jon Hong Co. in blue ink also on left three…


envelope and letter (A-B) A:envelope typed address to Mr. Ling Wong 709 King St. Seattle from: (printed) King County Welfare Dept. 327 Lyon Building red ink stamp of U.S. Postage 3 cents red ink circular stamp dated June 30 1949 opened on right side…


A: envelope plastic window on left printed black ink in left corner: Federal Security Agency right corner: 1. black in k stamp"Buy U.S. Bonds on Payroll Savings" 2. blank in circular stamp date Sep 20 1949 from San Francisco B: Seattle General…


envelope address to: Mrs. Henry T. Bradley 530 E. 86th ST. New York N.Y. blue ink


envelope (A-B) A: in blue ink adress to Mr. Ah Jack LIbby McNiell Libby Alaska back: a chunk of red melted wax inside envelope (A) is envelope (B): typed: Mr. Shang Fat Eng 37 Leornard ST. Brooklyn N.Y. right corner: Min Hing Knitting Co. Sweater…


brown envelope opened at bottom front is advertisement for "Weisfield and Goldberg" in middle four leaf clover with a different man in each clove and a quote in the last clove saying " Meet us and wear diamonds" at top: gaurantee of satisfactory work…