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Envelope Hand-painted stereotypical caricature of Japanese person being stepped by a big foot, on the foot reads: U.S.M.C. Bottom of the picture reads: Smash that Jap.


Envelope Stereotypical caricature of Japanese person being bombed.


Envelope Hand-painted stereotypical caricature of Japanese person , shirtless, looks like just being punched. Bottom of the picture reads: Dishonorable Jap Lose Shirt.


Envelope Stereotypical caricature of Japanese person being attacked by a U.S B-29 plane, the pilot portrayed as a bee. Words read: The Bees Are Swarming Mr. ToJo.


Envelope Stereotypical caricature of Japanese person being attacked by a U.S B-29 plane, the pilot portrayed as a bee. Words read: The Bees Are Swarming Mr. ToJo.


Envelope Stereotypical caricature of Japanese person as "wanted"criminal "for murder in the pacific". An American dressed in Uncle Sun costume is carrying guns in both of his hands, attempting to go after the wanted criminal.


Envelope Stereotypical caricature of Japanese person as "wanted"criminal "for murder in the pacific". An American dressed in Uncle Sun costume is carrying guns in both of his hands, attempting to go after the wanted criminal.


Envelope Stereotypical caricature of Japanese person. The words read: " Start to worry, every Jap We are getting in our scrap."


Envelope American Eagle victory sign. Words read: "Remember Peral Harbor! America will will." Note: The letter is sealed. content inside the envelope


Envelope Stereotypical caricature of Japanese people leaving town in a hurry because of the bombing from the U.S. troops.