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Receipts from James Henry Packing Co.


Receipts in alphabetical order letter J: James Henry Packing Co. Jerisgold Dairy Products Co.


Receipts in alphabetical order letters K and L: Kam Yen Jan Co. Kaplan Paper Co. Kristoferson's Dairy Kwan On Wing Co. Kwong Yick & Co. L. G. Wilkens Company L. Marks & Co. Inc. Lee & Eastes Auto Freight Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company Luckenbach Gulf…


Receipts in alphabetical order letters M N and O: M.J.B. Co. McCormick Steamship Company McKesson & Robbins Incorporated Meats Inc. Metropolitan Grocery Co. Inc. Mitchell Freightways Nisqually Packing Co. North Coast Importing Company North Coast…


Receipts in alphabetical order letters P Q and R: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Pacific Fruit & Produce Co. Pacific Highway Transport Perry Bros. Plymouth Poultry Company Pork House The Puget Sound News Company Puget sound Power & Light…


Receipts in alphabetical order letters S T and U: Sam Lee Schwabacher Bros. & Co. Inc. Seattle Auto Freight Depot Seattle City Light Seattle Daily & Sunday Times Seattle Gas Company Seattle- First National Bank Seattle Packing Company Seattle Times…


Receipts in alphabetical order letters V W X Y and Z: Wa Cong Co. Wa Young Company Washington Duck Farm Washington Natural Gas West and Wheeler Realtors Western States Grocery Co. Williams' Saratoga Chips and Pure Horse Radish Wm. Gavosto Co. Wing…


Investment record of a business (Min-Xing?) Record of Min-Xing shares Min-Xing: a thousand dollars Gom Hong: a thousand dollars Wu Shi-siu: nine hundred dollars Wu Shang-Ji: five hundred dollars Wu Shang-huai (?): Two hundred adn fifty dollars Wu…


Miscellaneous notes and receipts


Micellaneous tax and income records