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A Swift's United Profit Sharing Coupon 2 coupons cash value 2/3 cent # 682313A Swift & Co. issuer "redeemable only by person to whom originally issued " printed on both sides.
a: This is a short letter written on red lined stationary. On top of the letter are four big Chinese characters translated as: Announcement letter paper. At the bottom of the letter there are five small Chinese characters translated as: Made by Guang…
This is a prescription of herbal medicine. List of the herbs and the weight of each of them. The following are the translation of the herbs. Top row (from right to left): large shu di 2 liang (weight unit) large dang gui 5 liang bei qi 2 liang Fang…
The letter was written on a red lined paper. The top of the paper was torn. Translation of the letter: Shi Bao uncle: Please examine the clothes and list of merchandise I have asked Shang Qiun uncle to buy and bring back for you. I have also enclosed…
a i a ii: Translation of letter: Father your excellency under your knees: Yesterday we received your letter and knew that you were healthy. We also received the $233 dollars. We gave grandmother $10 and the other grandmother $10. We are all happy…
Translation of letter: Without notice it has been several years since we met and chatted last time. I hope you are healthy and making money and everything goes well. If this is what's happening to you we are very happy for you. I heard that your son…
Translation of letter: Father your excellency under your knees. The first day of this month Shang Yu brother came. I have received the ham and a gold ring you asked him to bring back. I hope you keep yourself healthy away from home. Everyone in the…
The letter was written on a red lined stationary. The red chinese characters on top of the stationary translated as Mr. Zhong Shan memorial stationary. The photo at the top right corner is Mr. Zhong Shan(Dr. Sun Yat San). The Chinese characters on…
Translation of the letter: Father your excellency under your knees respectfully report: I have received the one thoudand dollars plus the $250 dollars you sent through Lian Chang. I have carefully stored it please don't worry. I have also read the…
Translation of the note(receipt): Mr. Wu Yao Yun represent brother Shi bao One stick of True north Li Ginshen 4 liang One stick of Huen Chuan Sha Ginshen 72 liang Total cost of Ginshen is $6759 dollars(Hong Kong money) The red square seal under the…
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