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Poster of the event: From Hiroshima to Hope Lantern Floating Ceremony This annual event commemorates the 60th rememberance of the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all victims of war and violence August 6 2005 at Green Lake


Poster of the event: From Hiroshima to Hope Lantern Floating Ceremony in Rememberance of the Victims of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki At Green Lake


Poster of the event: Minidoka Remembered Exhibits Presentations and Workshops August 1-2 2003 at Double Tree Hotel-Sea Tac Airport


Poster of the event: Washington State Asian Pacific American Archaeology Archaeology Month October 2003


Poster of the exhibit: It's Like That: Asian Pacific Americans and the Seattle Hip-Hop Scene July 3 to November 30 2003


2-posters Posters of the exhibit: Jouurney to Democracy: Learning from the Japanese-American Experience January 22 to March 20 at Seattle Community College


Poster of the event: Asian American Archaeology-Washington State Archaeology Month 2003


Poster of the event: Civil Rights and Civil Wrongs: Aleut and Japanese American Incarceration during World War II an evening program at the Ethnic Cultural Theater U. W. February 19 2004


Cover of the book: Reflections of Seattle's Chinese Americans


2-posters Posters of the event: Veil: an evening of fashion politics and art and sister power in honor of Philippine Womens Day of Protest