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Campaign flyer for Wing Luke who was running for Seattle city councilman. The flyer states his values vision education and experience. The flyer also includes a headshot of Wing Luke.


Campaign for city councilman bumper sticker. "Wing Luke" printed in flourescent green letters against black background.


Champaign flyer for Wing Luke who was running for Seattle city councilman. The flyer is made to look like a ballot and lists the names of other candidates.


Champaign envelopes for Wing Luke who is running for Seattle city councilman. The envelope states his address and the position he is running for.


Champaign stationary for Wing Luke who was running for Seattle city councilman. Each sheet has a headshot of the candidate the address of his champaign headquaters and his qualifications for office.


Travel brochure about packages in North America. Tours were guided by Alex Ching and feature beauty queen Cecilia Wai Hing Ching. The trip through Canda Mexico and the US was called the "Special Narcissus Queen Mainland Tour."


Nineth-grade assembly program.


A-J: Biographical sketch of Wing Luke. The sketch briefly lists education public service and military service. The information is typed on white carbon paper. There are 3 versions of different length. K: A short typed note: "Here is your…


Flyers A: White paper folded into thirds. Advertisement for the Remidies. They are laxative antacid coughsyrup beef iron & wine tonic liniment. B: White paper with scandinavian translation of the remedy for constipation and the liniment on the other.


Three mimeographed pages stapled together. A: In Chinese: The Chinatown Chamber of Commerce in Seattle informs residents to register. the Association emphasizes the importance of voting if the residents want to assert their rights. B: In English:…