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  • Collection: Archives


-Two copies of brown paper newsprint with red ink printing in Chinese. -An announcement to encourage donation that includes the background of the organization and why people should give financial support. There is also detailed regulation for…


-White paper with mimeographed Chinese script. On the left is a red association seal stamp. -receipt of $10 gift money.


announcement and invitation to a funeral to wat sing star co. written in Chinese re strip with Chinese writingin upper left corner crease in middle running veritically.


schedule for Isabella Yen's cooking class on 8.5" x 11" paper titled "Isabella Yen's Cuisine" gives address as 5230 university way Ne


White rectangular paper flyer with red ink printing "The Year of the Dragon." The flyer has a central illustration of a wood - cut dragon. Written above it is: "The Ethnic Cultural Center Theater of the University of Washington in Association with…


Election flyer for Chris Mensalvas Orange paper flyer with black printing says: "Elect" and in a black outline: "Chris Mensalvas Secretary Treasurer Local 37 - ILWU". Gives a bio of his labor experience and then says: "Thanks For Your Support 1972".…


Red paper card with black printing. The card is printed in Chinese. At the top is the date: "1999" Below this is a wood block print of a Chinese figure holding a scroll with Chinese characters. Then there is a roster of names of Wong Association of…


Deep pink paper with black printing describing principals in the rehabilitation of the Rex Apartment at and announcing the opening celebration.


Pink sheet of paper with information on the Oak Tin building renovation.


Flyer for Wing Luke Memorial Museum program of Chinese artist Ng Ting Chit.