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Four booklet Instruction Papers Laces Silks and Linens Remodeling and Inovating Embroidery Stitches Essential Stitches. From Gom Hong Box 25


Gloria Eng's scrap book of a trip across the US in 1946. Programs from New York on ballet broadway circus and zoo. Restaurant menus guides.


Mrs. Wanda Eng wins back US citizenship after losing it in 1929 when she married Jack Eng. They lived in Canton and Hong Kong and returned to the US in 1946. They settled in Seattle.


Notebook with English Chinese translation notes. Written on the interior is: Fred Eng dated 1914


Papers from the wallet of Eng Kee Chung A: Certificate of Registration B: 2 - Hong Kong dollar bills C: Photograph of the SS General MC Meigs D: Business Cards: Min Hing Knitting Company Sweater Manufacturers and Dry Goods Retailers E: Business card:…

Music, Sheet

Music and lyrics for the song: "Brighten the Corner Where You Are"

Oral History Interview

Oral history interview with Dean and Kenny Bui.

Oral History Interview

Oral history interview with Margaret Hammerstad

Oral History Interview

Oral history interviews with Quyet Huynh and Dorothy Ng