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Program for the Pan Asian Repretory Theatre for the play Once is Never Enough Playhouse 46 423 West 46th Street New York N.Y.


Japanese American Cultural and Community Center programs and artists 244 South San Pedro Street Los Angeles California 90012


Program for the 6th Annual American Courage Awards The National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium The National Press Club 529 14th Street NW Washington DC


Program for the Centennial Celebration of Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church 3001 24th Avenue South Seattle Washington 98144


Program for the Seattle Japanese American Citizens League's 68th Annual Installation Banquet Seattle Sheraton Towers


Flyer and program for the play Eat a Bowl of Tea Pan Asian Repertory Theatre Inc. Directed by Tisa Chang The Actore's Outlet Theatre Center 120 West 28th Street NYC


Flyers for the Asian American Journalists Association Scholarship Benefit Dinners for the years 1981 1984 and 1985 Los Angeles California


Flyers for the 1983 1986 1987 and 1989 Woman Warrior Awards Asian/Pacific Women's Network Los Angeles


Postcard and program for the Asian Counseling and Referral Service 15th Anniversary Open House/Capital Project Status Report 1032 South Jackson Seattle WA 98104


Program for the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center for their 10th anniversary and the 1990 Spring Season 244 So. San Pedro Street Los Angeles CA 90012