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Program and flyer for No More Hiroshima No More Nagasaki No More Hibakusha Commemoration Sponsored by Asian Americans for Nuclear Disarmament JACCC 244 So. San Pedro St. LA


Program for the International Theatre Group The play Petals and Thorns by Velina Houston


Programs for the Day of Remembrance for 1983 1985 and 1988 Sponsored by: Japanese American Citizens League and National Coalition for Redress/Reparations Commemorating the Internment of Japanese Americans in WWII


Programs for the 1983 and 1987 Manzanar Pilgrimage The Manzanar Comittee 1566 Curran Street Los Angeles CA. 90026


Program for the Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week Dinner Sponsored by the Mayor's Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week Committee Los Angeles


Program for the play Best of Both Worlds Japan America Theatre and Great Leap Inc. Los Angeles


Program for the play The Dream of Kitamura By Philip Kan Gotanda East West Players


Program for the play The Music Lessons By Wakako Yamauchi California State University Los Angeles Department of Theatre Arts in partnership with Asian-American Theatre Arts Associates


Program for the First Annual Association fo Asian/Pacific American Artists Media Awards Dinner West Hollywood California 90069


Program for Sansei Theater Company Life in the Fast Lane: Requiem for a Sansei Poet Los Angeles