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  • Collection: Archives


Two flyers on the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame Exhibit: A Celebration of cultural heritage and accomplishment One is a program for the auction and dinner held in the new inductees honor. From the Robert Chinn Foundation Seattle Tacoma International…


A program for Uncle Bob's Retirement Party Seattle WA


Program and flyer for the Washington State's First Annual Asian Pacific Leadership Conference From the Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs "Meeting the Callenge: Empowering Ourselves Now" South Seattle Community College


Program for the film We Served with Pride: The Chinese American Experience in WWII The Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Washington D.C.


Flyer advertising the Dedication Ceremony of the Historic Chinatown Gate 5th Avenue South & South King Street Seattle WA From the Historic Chinatown Gate Foundation


Program for The 7th Washington State Korean American Day Celebration From the Washington State Korean-American Day Celebration Foundation


Flyer for Japanese traditional music with the performance of Sounds of Tsukushi Koto and Shakuha Chi Presented by the Nippon Kan Heritage Association Seattle Washington


Flyers about Abercrombie & Fitch protests over racist T-shirts Two Wongs Do Not Make It Right (2) Why Are we Protesting?????? (1) Both from Asian Pacific American college students Organization of Chinese Americans Seattle Chapter of Japanese American…


A booklet titled Strategic Plan for Asian Pacific American Studies Program By the Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C.


A brochure on Heritage: An Exhibition of Art by Asian Americans Sponsored by the Wing Luke Asian Museum et al. Olympia WA