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A notebook with handwritten Cantonese opera lyrics

advertising flyer

An advertising flyer for the Luck Ngai Music Society's 42th anniversary gala. The flyer includes the information of the performers the brief introduction of the performed stories the date and location of the performance. Complimentary show. The gala…


An introduction for a opera titled the Rouge Arrow and the Powder Bow. Written in English. Two copies in total.


An introduction for a Cantonese opera story titled Madame White Snake. Written in English.

Advertising Flyer

An advertising flyer for the Yat Sing Music Club'a fund-raising performance in Portland. The show was held at the building of Chong Wa Benevolent Association and members of Luck Ngai Music Society volunteered for the performance. The flyer also…


An letter sent out by Yat Sing Music Club to invite Mr. and Mrs. Woo to Yat Sing's 19th anniversary gala. Complimentary show. The gala was held at the building of Chong Wa Benevolent Building in Portland.


A bonus transcript for the Cantonese opera titled Zai Shi Hong Mei Ji (in standard Chinese). The opera was performed by Sin Fung Ming Cantonese Opera Troupe Hong Kong. Transcript was printed and sent out by Daily Pictorial/ Yin Teng Jih Pao (in…


A bonus transcript for the Cantonese opera titled Lantern of Love/ Cai Luan Deng (in standard Chinese). Transcript was printed and sent out by Daily Pictorial/ Yin Teng Jih Pao (in Cantonese) Hong Kong


A magazine for a Cantonese opera titled the Fairy of Ninth Heaven/ Jiu Tian Xuan Nv (in standard Chinese). The opera was created and performed by the Sing Fung Ming Cantonese Opera Troupe Hong Kong.