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Two identical sheets (A+B) from a 1981 calender. Printed in Chinese and English each page features a painting of a bird on a branch. Sheets show two months but does not identfy them.


1975 calender from Wah Young Co.. Printed in Chinese and English each page features a photo of Hong Kong


Final two sheets of a 1977 calender from Uwajimaya. Printed in Chinese and English each page features a landscape photo.


1975 calender. Printed in Chinese and English each page features a photo of a young asian woman.


Calender pad from Art's Trading Co. Illustration of man and child in decorative robes. All calender pages are missing date unknown.


Single sheet calender for 1978 from Chinese Youth Club of Seattle WA. Red paper with black ink written primarily in Chinese.


Poster for Chinese New Year in San Francisco CA February 14-21 1981. Features larege black rooster and Chinese characters.


Poster for Chinese New Year in San Francisco CA February 11-19 1978. Features larege black horse and Chinese characters.


Poster for Chinese New Year for 1977 the year of the serpent. Features calender of '77 along the bottom yellow Chinese characters and red serpent.


Poster for Chinese New Year Festival for 1977 the year of the serpent. Features festival dates yellow Chinese characters and red and black serpent.