Hndbill Black trifold paper with sign. Inset in upper right war bond holding fist hitting Japanese "We Will Be Closed in the Day of Hiro Hito's Funeral"
A-B. Identical handbills about Wing Luke. They were made for his champaign for city councilman. Luke's political ideas public service and education are highlighted.
Campaign Literature Handbills A - H: An interview with Liem Tuai 14 x 8.5" yellow paper folded with black printing outlining Liem's positions on the issues. I: Postcard Instructions 8.5" x 11" white mimeograph sheet with a list of topics for "get out…
Trifold brochure "Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)" 2002 general organizational brochure including programs, scheduled events, and board/staff roster Sage green & Natural fiber color
Quad-fold brochure "Rocky Chin for New York City Council" Candidate multilingual brochure for Rocy Chin's 2001 bid for NY City council. Some content translated in Chinese and Spanish Blue & White