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  • Collection: Archives


Handbill Color handbill with illustration of Hitler and Japanese soldier over a forest fire


Handbill Using scrap to help the war effort "Want to Slap-A-Jap?" "Then Get out All Your Scrap!"


Hndbill Black trifold paper with sign. Inset in upper right war bond holding fist hitting Japanese "We Will Be Closed in the Day of Hiro Hito's Funeral"


handbill Xerox copy Illustration of Japanese zero and pilot


Handbill Prevent Forest fires Illustration of sinister looking Japanese Soldier.

Handbill, Political

A-B. Identical handbills about Wing Luke. They were made for his champaign for city councilman. Luke's political ideas public service and education are highlighted.

Handbill, Political

Campaign Literature Handbills A - H: An interview with Liem Tuai 14 x 8.5" yellow paper folded with black printing outlining Liem's positions on the issues. I: Postcard Instructions 8.5" x 11" white mimeograph sheet with a list of topics for "get out…

Handbill, Political

Trifold brochure "Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)" 2002 general organizational brochure including programs, scheduled events, and board/staff roster Sage green & Natural fiber color

Handbill, Political

Quad-fold brochure "Rocky Chin for New York City Council" Candidate multilingual brochure for Rocy Chin's 2001 bid for NY City council. Some content translated in Chinese and Spanish Blue & White

Handbill, Political

Bi-fold brochure "Alicia" Candidate English language brochure for Alicia Wong's bid for San Francisco City Supervisor. Teal & White