Posters a-n: the poster has a white backround with three black and white posters. The lettering is maroon with English and Chinese writings. The dates are from March 17 - August 281994. " An exhibit of original stories and portraits." The photographs…
Blue poster with cloth in a beige red and green design. There are five photos in color of different pieces of clothing. From September 19th 1996- January 5th 1997.
The poster is in beige and brown a sun and a star in brown. The design is by Regina Ramos Elmer P. Dela Cruz illustration: Regina Ramos. The date is May 1st - Sept. 6 1998.
"Head and Foot adrornment from across Asia 'From Head to Toe" April 2 - June 14 1987. The Year of the Rabbit. The poster is a grey photograph of a woman in a hat with a sandal touching a rabbit.
The poster is in black and red the writing in white says " Joyce Aiko Morinaka Tom Tanaka Stephen Tse Gerald Tsutakawa" June 18-August 2 1987. A drawing of a child's upper half tied to a box with a mirror image of a face.
The poster is grey and it says "1942-1945 1985 Scotty Sapiro Wing Luke Asian Museum. January 29th - March 14 1987. It has a big photograph of an old man with a beard wearing old fashioned clothing design by Johnson and Sheffield.
the poster is yellow and red with a green cartoon dragon with uncolored children riding on it- bottom is red "Grand Opening"February 14 1987. Noon to 4pm. (three copies of the poster)