Invoice to Gom Hong from Kobe Japan From: Xinhehe Zhengji in Kobe Japan Items will be shipped by the "President McKinley" Items include: Chinese ink Kaiming Brand 4 boxes. meduim size River Scallops Canned Abalone 6 boxes canned shrimp 4 boxes.
Invoice to the Gom Hong from Kobe Japan From Xinhehe Zhengji in Kobe Japan Items will be shipped by the SS African Maru Items included: Bean sauce 30 buckets one hundred and two dollars. Invoice has amounts for various expenses.
Invoice in printed Gom Hong envelope. A: Envelope addressed to Shanglian Wu (Eng) From: Eng Pohou. B: One Chinese invoice. To Shanglian Wu Eng wiht one month's record of income and expenses. Shanglian owes a total of one hundred and eight dollars and…
Envelope with two invoices and three photographs A: Envelope addressed to Mr. Lim at Him Yick Long Co. San Francisco Cal. To: (Xuan li Lin) B: Invoice - To: Shidi Eng (Ng) from Yuzhan store in Hong Kong. Expenses include taking picture seeing eye…
a: Invoice and shipping records from Ajinomoto USA INC. b-h: Invoice papers from Albee Dray-King; originally wrapped and tied in brown paper. i: Invoice papers from Almac Refrigeration Co. j: American Mail Line shipping instructions blank forms. k:…
a: Two invoice papers from Bergman's Lock & Key Service b: Invoice papers from Blue Banner Foods INC. c: Invoice papers from Broadmoor Enterprises. d: Invoice papers from Brokerage West Inc. e: Business and Industry Newspaper; June 26 1976.
a: Invoice papers from Filipino-American Herald. b: Invoice papers from First Food International Corp. c: Invoice papers from Food Services of America.
a: Invoice papers from JC Wright Sales Co. b: Invoice papers from January Company. c: Invoice papers from Jing Keung Trading Co. INC. d: Invoice papers from Johanson Transportation Service.