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White poster with a photograph of an asian man reflecting on a bench. he is wearing blue clothing and hat with red emblem he is leaning up against a textured wall.


Poster says " October 2-4 1987 at Kane hall U of W. The design is a yello and green circle wtih a yellow and green star with a 2 in the middle presented by the international examiner and kingstreet media.


A white poster with purple and green writing in English and Korean. Purple drawing of gas works park in the upper center. From May 6 1995 Sat 12:00 noon - 5pm.


the poster is green purple with white writing in time line form. Photographs line the top right of the poster big pink box with maroon writing with photographs.


Grey poster with writing in teal with an eye in teal in a square in the middle. "Wing Luke Asian Museum" written in teal in the lower right hand corner.


White poster with there black and white photographs 1) basketball team 2) violin players 3) Asian American veteran


Off white poster with a design shaded in brown. Friday August 6 1999


The exhibit explores the experiences of immigrants and refugees arriving in the U.S. after 1965 the year when U.S. immigration laws radically changed. The writing in blue and red - map of the United States filled with photos of Asian Americans. (…


The poster is in the form of a film strip with photos of china town in it. Tuesday September 22 at 7 pm - Saturday September 26th a 1pm 1998.


the poster says " Art music martial arts demonstrations..." It is a white poster with a pink stripe down the left side. Pink and black writing color photos of Asian New Years festivities.