Big crowd of spectator packed sidewalks of the intersection of Third Avenue and Union Street as the 80-foot-long giant balloon dragon passed by. The giant dragon was part of the highlights of the Santa Claus Parade.
Biggest crowd ever seen in downtown Seattle pours into the street at 5th Ave. and Pine St. at the close of the Giant Balloon Christmas Parade. Police estimated the crowd at 150000.
Gloria Chinn Margarita Djere Lillian Lida and Marilyn Turner served as the candle-lighters as the annual International Christmas Vesper Service of the Seattle Baptist Association at the First Baptist Church.
Ping Chow and Au Sing played the reunion of brother and sister in a scene from a drama to be presented at a China Club of Seattle banquet. The banquet will mark the end of Seattle's ten-day celebration of the Chinese New Year.
Jack H. Pang was shown with Sally Chinn Christina Marr Joyce Kwan Helen Chinn Dahila Marr Ida Mae Lew and Helen Wang. The seven girls are candidate for the title of Sweetheart of Cathay.