Fong Leong Miss Doris Wong examine the score for the Chinese opera in which they will participate August 5th as part of the Chinese community's contribution to Seafair Week. Calvin Woo is seated in front of 'yang kum' a Chinese dulcimer
A queen will be chosen from the following five girls Sally Chinn Deanna Eng Mary Locke Ruby Locke Sharon Mar to reign over the annual Chinatown Night sponsored by the Seattle Chinese Community as a Seafair event.
Presidents of the Garfield Clubs: Frances Owen Purple Paw Eleanore Johnson Spades Grace Woo "G" Club Roger Eng Cathay Club Dave Maryatt Ski Club Art Stroud Hi-Y and Young Life Russell Janney Bulldog Club Donald Freeman Radio Club Emery Friese Debate…
Traditional Chinese Lion to ward off evil is 'fed' for benefit of Post-Intelligencer Christmas Fund for needy school children. Shown in the picture Arthur King Donna Eng Katherine Dong and Sandra Chinn. The Chinese community with Ruby Chow and King…