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Letter receipt and envelope in connection with Wing Luke's naturalization application. The letter from the Immigration and Naturalization Services Bureau informed Luke of his citizenship interview. It stated that the interview would take place at…
Letter in connection with Wing Luke's application for naturalization. It informed Luke that his citizenship interview was scheduled for 2pm November 4 1946. It is signed by Edmund C. Morse.
Business card for Silver Dragon Restaurant. The silver card gave the hours of operation address telephone number as well as advterised the restaurant's food and entertainment. It mentions dim sum dancing and cocktails.
Certificate recognizing Wing Luke for his work as a Seattle Junior Safety Patrolman. Luke earned the Bronze Merit Badge. The certiciate pictures a police officer and a traffic guider.
Programs of Roosevelt High School's class reunions in 1965. Wing Luke delivered a speech as the president of the alumni association. Other people mentioned in the program were Ray Royal Bob Cram Cecil Bullock Governor Dan Evans and Judge Frank D.…
Two newspaper articles on the all-class reuion of Roosevelt High School. The school newspaper Roosevelt News reported on the progam and notable individuals. There is a short paragraph on Wing Luke and a small headshoot. The article also mentions…
Letter note and envelope relating to Governor Albert Rosellini's Public Service Award. The letter is from John F. Gordon to Wing Luke notifying him that he has been awarded the Public Service Award. Luke received this honor for his help with the Job…
The certificate authenticates that Wing Luke completed boot camp at Camp Roberts CA. It was issued by the Infrantry Replacement Training Center of the camp. It certifies that Luke completed 17 weeks of training and was trained in heavy weaponry. As…
Certificate of participation in a musical concert. The recipient was a member of the "Huff "n" Puff "a group for wind instruments as well as participated in a concert. This concert took place on August 1 1963 at Al Sheehan's Aqua Follies Seattle.
Certificate of appointment as attorney of the US Court of Appeals 9th Circuit. Wing Luke was certified as a public attorney by Paul P. O'Brien clerk of the US Court of Appeals.
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