The Seattle JACL honored Clarence T. Arai at a dinner to celebrate his appointment to the Seattle Library Board.. Pillars of the Japanese community were represented at the banquet.
After receiving some protests over the proposed appointment of Clarence Arai to the post of Seattle Public Library trustee, two people came out in favor of his selection--James Y. Sakamoto, editor of the Japanese American Courier, and Miss Leoneā¦
Mayor John F. Dore of Seattle sent the nomination of Clarence Arai, a Seattle attorney, to the Seattle City Council for approval as a member of the Seattle Library Board.
Clarence Arai, a Japanese American attorney and the first of his race to run for public office, was elected second vice president of the Young Republican League of King County.
Clarlence Arai, local Japanese Americcan attorney, expressed his wish to join the army and regain his commission as a captain after it had been terminated because of his health.