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Army to Oust Japs in L.A. Harbor Area
The second order for evacuation involved the Los Angeles harbor area where there are about 3,000 Japanese residents. They will be moved to the Santa Anita racetrack during a three day period. In another announcement, the Wartime Civil Control…
Army to Safeguard Japanese Property
Announcements were to be forthcoming regarding the property and inventory left behind by Japanese evacuees. The government was to safeguard everything, and the evacuees were expected to entrust it all to the government. Those who could voluntarily…
Army To Use Longacres As Camp For Japs
The army announced that the Longacres rack track will be an assembly center for evacuated Japanese in Western Washington along with the Puyallup Fair site, which is currently under construction.
Army Trainees Learn Jujitsu
Nisei (Japanese American) instructors teach American soldiers basic Japanese words and jujitsu at Camp Roberts, California, plus an advertisement for Westinghouse.
Army Watching Japs on Brinbridge Island
A photograph of a map showing the prohibited and restricted areas of the West Coast that affected persons of Japanese ancestry was distributed by the Associated Press. Manzanar camp shown on the map was where the Bainbridge Island Japanese were to…
Army Will Halt Travel By Japs
The Army forbade any more voluntary evacuation of Japanese on the West Coast and announced that from now there will be evacuation under Army superivison. Also, the curfew was to be stringently endorced. In the meantime, James Sakamoto remained…
Around the World
Portrays a gritty game of street basketball, "Around the world," being played literally around the world, from New York to Australia to China, and elsewhere, and then back to New York.
Arrest Bewilders Boing Worker' Japanese Turned Him In, Youth Declares
A Boeing worker was arrested for appearing suspicious around the Boeing plant when it was learned he had a gun in his briefcase. He claimed the Japanese proprietor of a cafe reported him when he went to eat there and opened his briefcase, which…
Arrested b FBI
A Japanese alien is shown in a copy of a photograph from a Seattle newspaper walking with a Seattle police sergeant.
Arrests Draw Uhlman's Wrath
A raid by Seattle police on the Hong Say Assoc. resulted in 77 arrests, mostly for gambling, and accusations of discrimination with Mayor Wes Uhlman upset at the severity of the actions.
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