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6 U.S. Japanese Fear Violence, Lock Selves In

Article about sxi Japanese workers at a hatchery who locked themselves in because of fears of violence in Clinton, MO after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

6,975 Japanese Located in City

The Japanese population of the city of Seattle at the time of the Pearl Harbor bombing was 6,975, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

600 Axis Aliens Held by Gov't. in Raids Reaching 4 Coast States

Approximately 600 enemy aliens had been rounded up in sweeps by officials in an effort to prevent any fifth column activity. Attorney General Earl Warren of California reported that Japanese aliens were living in proximity to aircraft factories and…

69 More California Areas Banned To Aliens

Sixty-nine areas of California were to be "off limits" to enemy aliens, and an additional 17 more were to be added, according to the U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle. Aliens would not be allowed to live in those areas.

70 Million Pounds of Produce Grown by N.W. Japanese

Fred Niendorff, the Seattle P-I's financial editor, wrote in his column of the adverse effects of the evacuation of Japanese farmers from this area and stated that shortages and higher prices may be the result.

70,000 Register For Draft Here

Article on registration for the draft in Seattle, and picture accompanying the article mentioned Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos as among the registrants.

70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church

Appears to be a cover page of a program. States: "1907-1977 70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church, Seattle, Washington"

736 Japanese Arrested in U.S. and Hawaii

Article about Japanese aliens being arrested in the United States and Hawaii and being turned over to immigration officials.