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8 Germans, 4 Japs Arrested in Oregon

In Oregon eight German aliens and four Japanese aliens were arrested after F.B.I. raids on several Western Oregon cities. Contraband was also seized at that time.

8 Miles High & Rising

Photos by Jimmy Chin

8 P.M - 6 A.M. Deadline Set by DeWitt

A strict curfew was established for all enemy aliens and Japanese Americans living in Military Area No. 1. Those affected were to be in their homes from 8 pm to 6 pm. Another proclamation was being prepared to include other areas in Western states as…

800 Japs Move Into Arid Valley

Aprroximately 800 persons of Japanese descent arrived at the Manzanar internment camp in California in either a motor caravan of cars or from a train and were processed and given blankets, comforters and casing to use in a mattress.

9 Japs Arrested in Peninsula Blast

Japanese laborers working for the Port Townsend-Southern Railroad were arrested following an explosion that destroyed a speeder, a tool shed and two old coaches and sent to Seattle to be processed by immigration officials.

9-State Group Discusses Japs

State and fedeal officials were meeting in Salt Lake City to discuss the ramifications of the evacuation of Japanese from the West Coast. Meanwhile, in Washington state the U.S. Employment Service was sending "flying squadrons" to communities to help…