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Origin of the Great Chinese Lottery

Background on the origin of Chinese lotteries which are basd on a poem written by a Chinese Emperor, Hun Sun

Peek Into Old Seattle's Chinese Gambling Dens

Chinatown Tour in Seattle's ID offers insights into the history of the area and Seattle's gambling dens.

Secrets Of Chinatown

Before the Wah Mee killings most police either did not know about the gambling in the ID or felt it was of little consequence. Police officers assigned to the ID are interviewed.

"They Got Tony": Three Simple Words echo through streets of Chinatown

Residents of Chinatown react to the news that Tony Ng is arrested in Canada, in connection to the Wah Mee Massacre.

Unveiled in Court: How To Run A Gambling Den

Details of the by-laws of the Hop Sing Tong, the Chinatown fraternal organization prominent in gambling and protection.

When Seattle Was a "Wide Open" Town

Reddin reminisces about the old Chinese run gambling houses, which operated in the 1930s.