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"Proving loyalty"

The author describes how he and his family was sent to the Japanese American internment camps. He talks further about life after the camps, including how his mother sent care packages to Japanese relatives after the bombing in Hiroshima. Lastly, he…

Asian Pacific Islander Men 1991 Calendar

To present images that will shape in a fundamental way the perception of the Asian Pacific Islander male.

Gidra: The Twentieth Anniversary Edition

Gidra was published in Los Angeles from 1969 - 1974 to provide a forum for community expression and to counter the pervasive media stereotypes of Asian Americans

A Family Affair: Uwajimaya Inc.

Uwajimaya is profiled as one of five family businesses that have flourished.

PAAWWW Reads to a Full House

Pacific Asian American Women Writers West

Narita's "Song" Looks at Roles of Asian Women

Jude Narita in one woman show "The Coming into Passion/Song for a Sansei"

In Time Of War

Describes the fate of the children of the Hood River, OR Yasui family during World War II and their educational and careers accomplishments following the war. They are the family of Minoru Yasui, lawyer and imprisoned for challenging the curfew law…

Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief...

Profile of Yasui family and Chen family