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The Chinese ambassador to the United States, Hu-Shih, could not answer if the presence of Japanese on the West Coast posed any danger.


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer defended the Japanese here by stating that America was peopled by "foreigners" and that Japanese have proved to be good citizens and have good qualities that others could emulate such as the way they…


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer suggested that all Japanese be removed from the West Coast timber belt, citing Pearl Harbor as the reason.


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer recommended internment for all Japanese because the loyal could not be known from the disloyal and this country had to protect itself.


The YM-YWCA organization at the University of Washington planned a mixer to raise $1,000 for the World Student Service fund campaign, which assists foreign students studying in the U.S. financially. Originally intended for European and Chinese…


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said that there can be no dual allegiance for a loyal American, and he said he knew of a Japanese alien who sent his son back to Japan to be educated. He suggested all Japanese be sent back to Japan…


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer says to read the book "Volcanic Isle" by W. Fleisher to those who advocate putting West Coast Japanese in concentration camps and to let the F.B.I. handle matter of security because interning Japanese…


A letter writer to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said evacuation of the Japanese on the West Coast was a bad idea because they were necessary for growing the produce needed for the people, and besides, they could be identified easily and thus…


Photo of a Japanese American woman pointing to a picture of her brother now serving in the United States Army indicating that he is an American and that the furniture store he operated is still being operated by an American.


Photographs of Japanese in Seattle during the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing. One photo along with a short blurb shows people tabulating the donations for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's "Buy a Boeing Bomber" campaign; another shows the…