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Contract This contract states that Mr. Wong Luen Hing and Wong Ying Sue agreed to sell their land because they needed money. They were introduced to Ng Hok Mui Association in Hai Ping Village by middle man Mr. Ng Hok Lai and Wong Sai Chou. After…

Sam Cheong Co.

Advertisement from Sam Cheong Co. Sam Cheong Co. sold silks from China and had tailors to design and make modern clothes for men and women.


Printed Contract Form On the right side are the instructions for filling out this contract. Written in is: Mr. Ng Yu Yeung needed money and sold a parcel of land he had inherited from his father to Ng Hok Mui Association. The broker was Ng Hok Shek.…


Two printed contracts, one attached to a written statement. the document states that Wong Ying Sue agreed to sell his land because he needs the money.


Printed Contract Form Mr. Wong Ying Sue agrees to sell a parcel of land to Ng Hok Mui Association. The deal is brokered by Wong Hua Cheung.


Printed Contract Form Mr. Wong Ying Sue agrees to sell a parcel of land to Ng Hok Mui Association. The deal is brokered by Ng Hok Lai.

Eng Suey Sun Association

A stock certificate from New York Eng Suey Sun Association issued to Ng Bin Yu for $1,010.00.

The Industrial & Commercial Bank, Ltd.

A memo to Mr. Yuh Kuan from the bank thanking him for the hospitality shown during Lin Tin Mu's recent visit to Yuh Kuan's comapny in the US and enclosed a stock certificate for $100.00, and to sign the receipt and mail it back.

Overseas Chinese

A receipt for a donation by Chan Chang to an organization that helps overseas Chinese.

Overseas Chinese

A temporary receipt for a donation by Eng Yuh Kan to an organization that helps overseas Chinese.