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Why She Left Us

On the eve of World War II, young Emi Okada gives up her baby for adoption, but her mother finds the boy and brings him home. "This crucial event ... dramatically alters the lives of Emi's parents, siblings, and, later, her children. Betrayals and…

Why is nation silent about European internees during WWII?

The Alien Internment Camp, Crystal City, Texas was one of the sites for internment of Europeans during World War II.

Why I refused to register for evacuation

Gordon K. Hirayabshi revealed in his letter why he could not obey the evacuation order sending persons of Japanese ancestry into internment camps. He cited constitutional and Bill of Rights guarantees as his authority for resisting the evacuation.

Why a Communist Flag? He'll Tell You

Newspaper article in the Seattle Times from an interview with Kim Long.

Whole State of Washington Ruled "Portective Area" by Gov. Langlie

Gov. Arthur B. Langlie of Washington declared the state a "protective area" and asked that all Japanese turn in items of explosives, ammunition, firearms and any other items of destruction. In the meantime, Japanese aliens held in detention were to…