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Whiz kids have made significant contributions

Profile of the Army Specialized Training Program, whose graduates include Wing Luke.

Whites Try to Buy Them Out at Low Price, Say Japanese

With evacuation facing them, Japanese businesses in Seattle were preparing to close their businesses but were trying their best not to suffer huge losses and conduct business as usual until they have to leave.

White Pioneer Wills $23,000 to Japanese

A retired logger Sweney Smith willed his entire fortune of $23,000 to Japanese American childrlen Ruby Kumasaka and Hisashi Kumasaka.

White Grizzly Bear's Legacy: Learning to Be Indian

Relates the history of the author's family and the Sin Aiskt people, and the effect that outside events, such as the building of the Grand Coulee Dam that flooded Kettle Falls, affected the Lakes Tribe.

White Community and "Yellow Peril" in Mississippi Valley Historical Review

Development of fear of Japanese Americans on west coast.