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Album, record

Motion Picture Sound track album of Marlon Brando in Sayonara.

album, record

a: Long-playing 33 1/3 r.p.m. high fidelity record of female singer made by Teichiku Records Co. Ltd. in Japan. b: Lavender paper sleeve. c: Album cover with image of white green blue bird on front side.

album, record

a: Record of female singer made by King Record Co. Ltd. in Japan. b: Glossy album cover with "High Fidelity LKD 19" appearing in upper right-hand corner. c: Single-page insert with Japanese text front and back.

album, record

a: Record labelled Teichiku made by Columbia Royal Blue Records. b: Paper sleeve with "Columbia Royal Blue Records" printed along bottom.

album, record

a: Record labelled "Shiochiku". b: Paper sleeve entitled "Victor Record Victor Talking Machine Company Camden N.J. U.S.A." on one side and "A Special List of Victor Records of Popular Selections" on the other.

album, record

a: Record with a label in Japanese and the following information in English: "Tokyo Records"; "Pacific Bureau of New Musical Study"; "Made in U.S.A." b: Contained in a paper sleeve with "Presto Recording Corporation Paramus New Jersey U.S.A." along…

album, record

a: Record with a label in Japanese and the following information in English: "Polydor"; "Polyfar Recording"; "Manufactured by Polydor Talking Machine Co. Ltd Tokyo Japan". b: Contained in paper sleeve with "King Record" on one side and a collage of…

album, record

a: Record of female singer made by Nippon Mercury Co. Ltd. in Japan. b: Contained in paper sleeve with "Mercury Record" along bottom.

album, record

a: Victrola record of a tenor with piano featuring "Flower Song Yoshie Fujiwara". b: Contained in paper sleeve with "Angel Record" on one side.

album, record

a: Record made by Tokyo Records in the U.S.A. for the Pacific Bureau of New Musical Study with "372-A" on one label and "372-B" on the other. b: Contained in paper sleeve with a portrait of a man and Japanese text on one side and "Polydor. Record"…