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A Hollywood movie studio 20th Century Fox wanted some Japanese extras for its movie "Secret Agent of Japan" and had to go through the FBI and Navy Intelligencer to get them.


Samuel W. King, delegate to Congress from Hawaii, defended the Japanese population of Hawaii and said they were patriotic and loyal, although members of the House military committee, where he testified, seemed skeptical.


In his syndicated column, Henry McLemore reported that he had been sent numerous songs that indicated readers' antipathy to the "Japs, Wops and the Hun" and then gave a sample of one of the songs submitted to him.


The Miyako restaurant in New York City reopened with pictures of the owner in an American army uniform plastered all over the walls.


A woman who hired a Japanese gardener wondered how he and his crew managed to get her place cleaned up so neatly and quickly when it took her and her husband hours and even then the place looked like a jungle.


The Metropolitan Opera said it hadn't canceled "Madame Butterfly" but would probably not perform it because of the Japanese seeting of the opera. Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado was being canceled by most musical companies, although some peoleā€¦


The Metropolitan Opera in New York City received some crank notes asking why a Japanese singer was on its roster; however, the person in question, Bidu Sayo, is Brazilian, not Japanese.


A speech by a James R. Young at the Sunset Club claimed that there was a vast network of Japanese espionage in this country. He cited his change of arrival day in Seattle and was already called upon by an editor of the local Japanese newspaper.


A flower shop operated by a Japanese person displays a photograph of his son who is in the United States Army.