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"Jap" Sailors Ask to Buy Firearms

A man reported to the navy shore patrol that two Japanese sailors asked where they could buy firearms.

"Japan" Taken Out of Liner's Name

A new steamship Japan Mail was changed to China Mail in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombing.

"Japanese and the Public Schools" from the newspaper "Seattle Mail and Herald"

Vol. 7 #47 of "Seattle Mail and Herald." About complaints of "Japanese boys" being permitted in public schools that are already too crowded with children of American citizens.

"Japs Are Coming!" California Police Got In Action Fast

Reports of a Japanese tank on the streets of Beverly Hill, CA threw the residents in a panic and the police investigated, only to find a street sweeping machine moving along the street.

"Lotus on Air," Lotus Entertainment,


Black and White photograph. "Lotus on Air," Lotus Entertainment, dated February 17th, 1940. First row: Third from left, Yoshiko Shitamae Miyauchi; fourth, Susie Shimizu Kumahara; fifth, May Tsutsumoto; seventh, Rosie Suzuki Obata; ninth, Fusaeā€¦


"Out of Focus": Wing Luke Provides Clear Look at Strereotyping

Review of the Wing Luke Museum's exhibit "Out of Focus." Includes a look at racial discrimination in relation to the exhibit.