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Watanabe Apparently to Remain U.W. Regent

Taul Watanabe, an influential advisor to WA State Governor, Dixy Lee Ray, has resigned from the WA Personnel Board, has been fined for violations of the state;s public disclosure laws but will remain on the UW Board of Regents.


Metal painted waste basket with elliptical opening black background gold scattered flowers

Wasp's Nest

[feng fang] Nidus Vespae The nest of wasps or hornets Polistes divaceus (Deg.) Polistes japenicus Sauss. or Parapolybia varia Fabr. (family Vespidae). It is used externally for suppurative skin diseases; as gargles for pain and swelling of jums;…


Tub Baby bath wash tub Purchased in Minidoka to bath newborn baby Tim in 1943.


Galvinized tin wash tub with wooden handles.

Washington’s Refugee Experience Then and Now

Newspaper article in the Seattle Times - covers several Vietnamese refugees in 1975.

Washington's first LGBTQ Vietnamese Conference

Announcement of Washington's first conference for queer Vietnamese folks