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Japanese Student Relocation

The American Friends Service Committee was asked by the War Relocation Authority to take charge of a program to get Japanese American students who want to go to college to transfer to institutions outside the prohibited zone.


San Francisco at one time tried to segregate Japanese students in the city, but the Japanese government protested that this was a violation of a treaty, so the city relented. Japanese students now attend the same schools as the rest of the children…

Fates Of 2 Japs Now In Hands Of Jurymen

The jury was deliberating a verdict in the trial of Charles T. Takahashi and Edward Osawa as the attorneys made their closing arguments. The men were on trial for trying to send storage tanks to Japan by first sending them to Shanghai in order to get…

Evacuated Japs Reaffirm U.S. Oath

Japanese Americans sent communication to the Seattle City Council reaffirming their loyalty to the U.S. and thanked the people of the city for all that they had done for them during this trying period.

Chinese Takes Stand In Trial Of Japs Here

Testimony was made at the trial of Charles Takahashi and Edward Osawa that a Chinese importer/exporter was used to send storage tanks to Shanghai and that these tanks' eventual destination was Japan. The men were accused of using a subterfuge to get…

Jap Bellevue Farms Bought

477 acres of farmland were entrusted to Western Farm and Produce, Inc. when it received a loan from the Wartime Civil Control Administration to continue farm operations in Bellevue. The area had been one of the major producers of vegetables for the…

Jap Was Ashamed So He Ended Life

A Japanese man in Los Angeles hanged himself leaving a note indicating he was ashamed at what Japan did, and this was a way of atoning.

Evacuees Form Basseball Loop

Bainbridge Island Japanese have formed baseball teams at the Manzanar camp in the Owens Valley. The girls team had a recent ballgame and lost by a huge margin to a team from Los Angeles.


A picture shows two men in a Canadian interment camp standing in front of what is called a Mess Hall, or a dining area.

All Remaining Japs In County Must Leave

The ramining Japanese in King County were ordered to leave and those still in Seattle were to be evacuated to complete the removal of all Seattle Japanese.