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Judge Refuses To Return Jap Office Papers

Thomas Masuda's trial of being an agent for Japan without registering as such will proceed as scheduled despite claims by his attorneys that his office was searched without permission although he had given permission for FBI agents to search his…

Please Note

A columnist reported that there were 500,000 Japanese in Brazil but that the 150,000 Japanese in Hawaii were more of a concern for him. He said that if the Japanese were deemed to be dangerous in California, why aren't they considered dangerous in…

2,000 Japs Told To Move

New exclusion orders were issued to residents in the Los Angeles area, and a new rule allowed people to drive their cars to the reception center if they wished. It was also announced that a reception center was being built in Northern California on…

California County Balks at Japanese

The Japanese coordinating committee of Mono County in California, noting the movement of some coastal Japanese to interior areas, issued a warning that it was not a good idea because of lack of finances and facilities to accommodate newcomers.

Jap Paper's Last Big Story Is of Evacuation

The Great Northern Daily News, a Japanese daily newspaper, published its last edition with the imminent evacuation as its theme. Meanwhile, the weekly all-English Japanese American Courier did not state its plans. Throughout Seattle Japanese were…

2,000 Japs In Seattle Must Move By May 3

Twelve new exclusion orders were issued by Gen. John L. DeWitt of which two of them were to affect the Seattle area leading to the evacuation of 2,000 Japanese from this area.

Charge Against Masuda Upheld

Judge Lloyd L. Black declined to dismiss the indictment against Thomas Masuda, accused of being an agent for Japan. Also, the judge refused to return Masuda's papers that his attorneys said were seized illegally.

Japanese Group Pledges Total Evacuation Aid

The Japanese American Citizens League, Seattle chapter, pledged cooperation with the government's evacuation orders in a meeting of the members in Seattle.

Jap Farms Now in New Hands

The Wartime Civil Control Administration has expedited the transfer of numerous Japanese farms along the West Coast and Arizona to others with more than two-thirds of them having changed hands.

Leader Asks Filipinos To Work Farms

A Filipino leader Vincente Villamin visiting Seattle told how Filipinos can aid the war effort by continuing their work on farms and in the canneries and that he was hopeful of organizing a Filipino unit of the army.