Browse Items (37212 total)

5 Japs In Hotel Room Arrested

Five Japanese men, one of whom had caused a disturbance in a hotel, were arrested without charge after police went to investigate the cause of the disturbance.

Colorado Jap Problem Referred to Biddle

Colorado's Senator Ed. C. Johnson asked that Milton Eidsenhower's War Relocation Authority take charge of the voluntary evacuees who came to Colorado.

Idaho Farm Colony Planned For Japanese From Coast

Japanese residents of Western Washington were to be sent to an internment camp in Idaho after first going to an assembly center in Puyallup. Meanwhile, steps were being taken to have others take over their farms so that there would be a continuous…

Even Into Kansas

The Gov. of Kansas said Japanese from the West Coast were unwelcome in his state and said for the state patrol and other state employees to prevent them from entering. However, an editorial in a Seattle paper said that the federal government and army…

Japs Inoculated Against Typhus

Inoculation against typhoid fever was given to Japanese men, women and children who were soon to be evacuated at the Japanese Cannery Workers office on Main Street

The Good With The Bad

Bainbridge Island Japanese evacuated to a reception center in California found Japanese from Los Angeles' Little Tokyo were "too Oriental" for their taste. It was suggested that some segregation might be in order so as not to present this kind of a…

Group To Fight Profiteering On Jap Hotels

New operators of hotels, rooming houses and apartemts taking over the ones left by the soon-to-be-evacuated Japanese were warned not to try to profiteer from their new operation.

Petition Opposes Gatewood 'Moms'

Some students organized a petition to counter the one presented by Gatewood School mothers who want the Japanese American clerks at the schools to be fired. The clerks resigned their positions.

Hermosillo Delays Jap Expulsion

Japanese residents of Mexico were given an additional ten days to evacuate the Pacific Coast of the country and move to the interior.

All Japs Will Move By May 20

Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt, commaning general of the Western Defense Comman, announced that all Japanese on the West Coast will have been removed by May 20. In the meantime, colleges and universities outside the exclusion zone said they would be willing…