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Japanese American Experience Bibliography

Bibliography of books and articles for both children and adults about the Asian experience in the United States and Canada.

Chinese Medicine on the Gold Mountain

An exploration of the Chinese in the Pacific Northwest and the medicine they brought with them: how Chinese medicine differs from western medicine, some of the practitioners and the dependence of such practitioners upon quality ingredients.

"They Got Tony": Three Simple Words echo through streets of Chinatown

Residents of Chinatown react to the news that Tony Ng is arrested in Canada, in connection to the Wah Mee Massacre.

An Inside Look at Sumner's Rhubarb Industry

Mentions: Kay Ota, Julio Mina, M. Ota.

Chinatown: 'This is the safest community in Seattle'

Summary of the recent housing developments in the Chinatown/International District and police belief that, in spite of Wah Mee massacre, the worst problem is street alcoholics.

Wah Mee

Comprehensive summary of the massacre, the criminals and their background.