Browse Items (37212 total)

Bail of $50,000 Set for Jap Business Man

A Japanese businessman's bail was set at $50,000 for failure to declare $500,000 of Japanese securities to the Federal Reserve Bank. Kenji Iki, a California-born Japanese, was the manager and chief representative of United Ocean Transport Co. who…

$21 a Month Maximum Pay for Evacuees

The maximum wage for evacuated Japanese in the camps was set at $21 a month, which is the minimum pay for an American soldier, according to the Wartime Civil Control Administration. Questions had arisen by evacuees and others as to what the top wage…

Sad Farewells While Troops Stand By

Copies of two photographs that appeared in a Seattle newspaper showed a Japanese American woman carrying her luggage to the outside of her house and another showed soldiers guarding the Eagle Harbor ferry dock from where the Japanese on Bainbridge…

'Auction' Draws Many

Bainbridge Island's Japanese residents got rid of their personal property by selling them to the public and vegetables were left growing until they could be harvested by others as the Japanese residents of the island prepared to leave.

It's Their Big Moving Day

A photocopy of a picture that appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer shows the Nakamura family in an army truck being evacuated from Bainbridge Island with a soldier with a bayonet sitting with them.

Deadline Today on Contraband

Japanese/Japanese Americans were reminded of the deadline to turn in contraband articles.

Japanese on Bainbridge Removed Without a Hitch

Japanese/Japanese American residents of Bainbridge Island were removed from the island and sent by ferry to Seattle where they boarded a train for Manzanar, California. Photos accompanying the article showed a caravan of army trucks and a mother with…

Bainbridge Japs Leave in First N.W. Evacuation

A photo in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer showed Japanese/Japanese Americans from Bainbridge Island being escorted by soldiers to a waiting train on their way to an evacuation reception center in Manzanar, California.

Army to Oust Japs in L.A. Harbor Area

The second order for evacuation involved the Los Angeles harbor area where there are about 3,000 Japanese residents. They will be moved to the Santa Anita racetrack during a three day period. In another announcement, the Wartime Civil Control…

Army to Exempt Certain Aliens

The army announced that certain classes of aliens of German and Italian descent were exempted from any evacuation, and a handful of Japanese aliens were also included if they were in places such as hospitals or institutions; but otherwise, all…