Browse Items (37212 total)

Six Japanese Arrested Here

Six Japanese aliens, including a woman, were arrested by the FBI because they were members of a potentially dangerous organization. Their homes were searched but no contraband was found.

Business as Usual--Until Army Moves Him

A photocopy of a picture of Johnny Nakata showed him at his place of work in the meat and grocery business and said that he was looking for someone to take over his interest when he was gone.

8 P.M - 6 A.M. Deadline Set by DeWitt

A strict curfew was established for all enemy aliens and Japanese Americans living in Military Area No. 1. Those affected were to be in their homes from 8 pm to 6 pm. Another proclamation was being prepared to include other areas in Western states as…

Army Orders Alien Curfew

A curfew was established by the Army for all enemy aliens and persons of Japanese ancestry in Military Area No. 1 that reqired these people to be at their residences between 8 pm and 6am, and travel was limited to within 5 miles of their residences.…

Officials Plan to Place Japs on Indian Land

The War Relocation was preparing land on an American Indian reservation along the Colorado River at Parker, Arizona to house Japanese evacuated from the West Coast as an internment camp that would be self-contained and self-supporting.

Students Hope They Will Be Allowed To Graduate

Three Bainbridge Island high school students of Japanese descent talked to their principal R.G. Dannis about their credits in anticipation of graduating from another high school when evacuation takes place.

$700 In Defense Bonds Will Accompany Owner

Two photocopies showed a woman holding her defense bonds in front of a Buddhist altar, and the other photo of Rev. Kihachi Hirakawa, a Baptist minister, standing in front of his church he built.

The Japanese Must Move

An editorial in one of the Seattle papers said that the Japanese in the area should be removed because it was too difficult to determine the loyal from the disloyal and that evacuation would be a good preventive to pre-empt any dangers.

Evacuation Of Calif. Japs Now Under Way

Japanese in the Los Angeles area left either by train or in a motor caravan to go to to the Manzanar internment camp in the Owens Valley which was to be a reception center for them.

Where Order Hits

A map showed where the first group of Japanese to be evacuated were living, on Bainbridge Island; the Japanese lived close to the Bremerton Navy Yard.