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Exodus of L.A. Japanese Begins

A photocopy of a photo that appeared in a local newspaper showed Japanese in the Los Angeles area preparing to board buses for Owens Valley where the first of the Japanes alien reception centers was being built.

B.C. Clamps Down on Jap Auto Sales

People in Britih Columbia were warned not to buy cars or trucks from Japanese who are preparing for evacuation because the Japanese are forbidden to sell them but are to turn them in to the British Columbia Security Commission.

'Mounties' Arrest Jap Alien as a Spy

A Japanese man was arrested in Trail, British Columbia after it was found that maps of industrial areas wre found in his car. He was on his way to Alberta to attend college, although he was not supposed to have a car.

Japs Jailed in S.F. As Aides of 'Black Dragon'

Four Japanese, including three who were membersof a front organizatin for the Black Dragon Society and one who was charged with gambling, were arested by the FBI in raids in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Young Japanese Arrested in B.C.

A Japanese Canadian was arrested in Rossland, British Columbia after it was found that sketches of industrial activity of the Warfield-Tadanac region were found in his possession.

Carr Asks U.S. To Aid Aliens; Violence Feared

The governor of Colorado, Ralph Carr, asked for federal intervention after Japanese aliens and their children were settling in Colorado, and the American Legion was expressing concern over this settlement.

Single Agency To Evacuate Aliens Urged

The Puget Sound Chapter of the American Association of Social Workers called for a single agency to handle the intenment of Japanese on the West Coast and asked that there be no wholesale evacuation but one based individually and on its merits.

Japanese Here To Take Oath

Japanese Americans in the Seattle area were to take an oath of allgiance to the U.S. to be administered by the Japanese American Citizens League, and identification cards were to be given to those who participated.

Japanese Leave for Internment

Japanese aliens left for internment at Fort Missoula, Mont. from the King Street Station. Friends and relatives were there to see the 150 men leave.

Japs? 'Get Tough'---Solon

A U.S. senator from Tennessee proposed that Japanese Americans should be denied the privileges of citizenship because "a Jap's a Jap."