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Jap "Spotter" Held in B.C.

A 21 year old Japanese Canadian was arrested in Vancouver B.C. after he was seen riding a horse through the University District and watching a radio station being built.

State D.A.R. Approves Enemy Alien Ouster

A headline from one of the local newspapers states "State D.A.R. Approves Enemy Alien Ouster."

Japs Await O.K. On Settlement

James Y. Sakamoto, a Japanese Americn community leader, was awaiting word from the government to a request of allowing the Japanese communities in Western Washington to move to Eastern Washington to establish a model community.

Alien Work Corps Formed

An executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt established the War Relocation Authority which will help the Japanese evacuees in their relocation problems and try to find employment for them in assisting the war effort. The director will…

Evacuation Of Japs To Start In Coming Week

Volunteer evacuees from Los Angeles were preparing to head for Manzanar in the Owens Valley to help set up the camp, and Lt. Gen. John DeWitt urged others in Military Area No. 1 to also volunteer to go there since total evacuation was inevitable, and…

5 Japs Arrested In Tacoma Area

Five Japanese aliens were arrested in the Tacoma area because they were members of a Japanese secret society.

Evacuee Properties

An article in a Seattle newspaper urged the Japanese to be evacuated to dispose of their property as soon as possible, and for others to take over the farms that were being left behind so there won't be a vegetable shortage.

Japanese Gets City License

Appearing before the Seattle City Concil, E. Fujtiomi appealed for a renewal of his city business license, which was granted.

Four More State Designated by DeWitt.

Additional states were added to the list of states deemed military areas, and they included Idaho, Montana, Utah and Nevada. The Western Defense Command under Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt designated prohibited zones such as military installations, air…

More Areas Announced In Barred Zones

Additional sites that were to be off limits to enemy aliens and japanese Americans were announced by the Western Defense Command. The list included tunnels, bridges and radio stations in addition to several military areas in the state.