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22 Agencies To Assist In Jap Removal

Twenty-two agencies were selected to assist in the evacuation of Japanese aliens and American citizens of Japanese descent, and a committee of eight will coordinate with Lt. Gen. John DeWitt to handle the evacuation of the Japanese people from theā€¦

Legion Urges Alien Removal

Three American Legion posts in the state of Washington urged immediate removal of all Japanese aliens from the West Coast as the best solution for our national defense.

Effect on Property

Mortgage bankers claimed the evacuation of the Japanese will have a bearing on future property values, but it won't be near the problem created for automobile owners due to the lack of gasoline and tires.

Jap Crap Shooters Didn't Look Right

A citizen called the police in Los Angeles to report that he/she saw a group of Japanese huddled together and said it looked suspicious. The police responded to find the group playing a dice game.

2,000 Enemy Aliens Yet to be Certified

Enemy aliens lined up inside and outside the main post office in Seattle to get their certificates of identification, which contains their fingerprint and a photograph.

Enemy Aliens Line Up to Register

A photocopy of a picture in a Seattle newspaper shows a line-up of aliens waiting outside the main Seattle post office to get their certificates of identification.

The Japanese Problem

An editorial in a Seattle newspaper stated that there are disloyal as well as loyal people in the Japanese community and urged the community to help weed out those who are disloyal.

15,000 in Area Face Evacuation

There were approximately 15,000 persons of Japanese descent in Military Area No. 1, and all the counties in this area except two--Island and Wakhiakum--have no Japanese aliens.

Coast Alien Resettlement Plan Revealed

Civilian agencies of the government were cooperating with the army in preparing for the evacuation of persons of Japanese descent on the West Coast according to the orders from the Western Defense Command and the Fourth Army.

Many Aliens Taken in Albuquerque Area

Enemy aliens in the Albuquerque, NM area were rounded up by local police and federal agents and contraband seized.