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Japs in Secret Societies Sought

FBI agents and local police made raids in certain Northern California cities in search of members of Japanese secret societies and a Japanese Association.

Army Selects Centers for Alien Evacuees

Lr. General John L. DeWitt announced plans for two reception centers to accept Japanese evacuees from the West Coast. One will be in the Owens Valley in California, and the other will be along the Colorado River near the Blythe-Parker Dam area.

Japs Retaliate by Arresting U.S. Citizens

A news report indicated that Japanese authorities in Shanghai had arrested American and British newsmen and businessmen in retaliation for the way Japanese citizens had been treated by American and British authorities.

Whites Try to Buy Them Out at Low Price, Say Japanese

With evacuation facing them, Japanese businesses in Seattle were preparing to close their businesses but were trying their best not to suffer huge losses and conduct business as usual until they have to leave.

Legion Head demands Evacuation of Aliens

The national commander of the American Legion, Lynn U. Stambaugh, urged the removal of all Japanese on the West Coast because their presence was a menace to the country.

Problem for Japs

A photocopy of two pictures from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer shows one picture of a girl (Mary Okazaki) outside of a furniture store having a removal and evacuation sale, while the other picture shows three brothers (Lincoln, Taft and Grant Beppu)…

California To Have Centers For Aliens

A reception center for Japanese aliens was being prepared at the Owens Valley in an area between Parker Dam and Blythe, California near the Colorado River.

Japanese Live Close to City's Defense Units

A survey made by a police national defense detail showed that most of the Japanese in Seattle lived in the Central District with many others living close or near defense units.


The county prosecutor of Spokane County warned that his area could become a dumping ground for Japanese aliens because it is outside the exclusion zone, and a meeting was being planned to address the problem.

Civil Liberties Group to Contest Removal of Japs

The American Civil Liberties Union asked its branches in California to seek a modification of the evacuation order to remove all Japanese from the state and said it would assist evacuees who would contest the order.